Results for 'Ricardo Teodoro Ricci'

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  1.  17
    Red de Información ¿Una aproximación al paradigma postálico?Ricardo Teodoro Ricci - 2001 - Cinta de Moebio 12.
    This article proposes a perspective in which everything that contacts a human being has for him (or her) a message. At the same time, it states that every message is co-created; this means that each single message evolves to a new one once it reaches its receptor.
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    Presentación del mundo del trabajo a estudiantes del programa “Preparación para el Mundo del Trabajo - Senac”.Ricardo Felipe Teodoro Garcia & Selma Aparecida Geraldo Benzoni - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:285-293.
    El Institución Nacional de Servicio de Aprendizaje Comercial ofrece el programa “Preparación para el mundo del trabajo”, con el objetivo de formar profesionales competentes para desempeñarse en el entorno profesional. Este informe tuvo como objetivo reflejar la propuesta de la unidad curricular 1 del programa, que abordó la historia del mundo del trabajo, las relaciones laborales, el empleo y la profesión y busca provocar reflexiones que permeen el cotidiano del adolescente. Para ello se utilizó el material puesto a disposición por (...)
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  3. Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA) in Different Hispanic Countries: An Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling Approach.Denisse Manrique-Millones, Georgy M. Vasin, Sergio Dominguez-Lara, Rosa Millones-Rivalles, Ricardo T. Ricci, Milagros Abregu Rey, María Josefina Escobar, Daniela Oyarce, Pablo Pérez-Díaz, María Pía Santelices, Claudia Pineda-Marín, Javier Tapia, Mariana Artavia, Maday Valdés Pacheco, María Isabel Miranda, Raquel Sánchez Rodríguez, Clara Isabel Morgades-Bamba, Ainize Peña-Sarrionandia, Fernando Salinas-Quiroz, Paola Silva Cabrera, Moïra Mikolajczak & Isabelle Roskam - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Parental burnout is a unique and context-specific syndrome resulting from a chronic imbalance of risks over resources in the parenting domain. The current research aims to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Parental Burnout Assessment across Spanish-speaking countries with two consecutive studies. In Study 1, we analyzed the data through a bifactor model within an Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling on the pooled sample of participants obtaining good fit indices. We then attained measurement invariance across both gender (...)
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    Laleff Ilieff, Ricardo y Ricci Cernadas, Gonzalo (eds.) (2021). Hans Blumenberg, pensador político: lecturas a cien años de su nacimiento. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales. 306 pp. [REVIEW]Ramiro Vuotto - 2023 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 12 (2):317-319.
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  5. Hartmann.Nicolai Hartmann & Ricardo Guillermo Maliandi - 1967 - [Buenos Aires]: Centro Editor de América Latina. Edited by Ricardo Guillermo Maliandi.
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  6. Existentia Africana: Understanding Africana Existential Thought.Lewis Ricardo Gordon - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Ética ambiental y desarrollo: participación democrática para una sociedad sostenible.Ricardo Guzmán Díaz - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 34.
    La sociedad global se enfrenta a una doble crisis: una concerniente a nuestra relación con el medio ambiente natural y otra referida a la propia condición humana. Con esta idea como punto de partida, planteamos la necesidad de volver nuestra mirada y pensar en los temas del desarrollo, no solo en el sentido económico, sino en el sentido humano más pleno. En esta tarea, consideramos que deben estar involucrados los diferentes actores sociales e instituciones para construir juntos un mejor futuro. (...)
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  8. It's how you get there: walking down a virtual alley activates premotor and parietal areas.Johanna Wagner, Teodoro Solis-Escalante, Reinhold Scherer, Christa Neuper & Gernot Müller-Putz - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Hypnotic susceptibility, baseline attentional functioning, and the Stroop task.Sandro Rubichi, Federico Ricci, Roberto Padovani & Lorenzo Scaglietti - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (2):296-303.
    According to the theoretical framework relating hypnosis to attention, baseline attentional functioning in highly hypnotizable individuals should be more efficient than in low hypnotizable individuals. However, previous studies did not find differences in Stroop-like tasks in which the measure indicative of the Stroop interference effect was based on response latencies. This study was designed to determine whether subjects with different levels of hypnotic susceptibility show differences in baseline attentional functioning. To assess this hypothesis, high, medium, and low hypnotizable subjects performed (...)
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    Semel in vita: considerações sobre a brevidade do projeto fundacionalista cartesiano.Ana Cláudia Teodoro Sousa - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):1169-1190.
    Resumo: O objetivo desse trabalho é explorar a perenidade e o significado da expressão semel in vita para a filosofia de Descartes. Por meio de uma análise minuciosa de todas as ocorrências dessa formulação dentro do corpus cartesiano, busca-se evidenciar que semel in vita é um recurso retórico relevante que está vinculado ao momento decisivo da filosofia cartesiana de realizar uma reestruturação do conhecimento a partir da investigação radical e preliminar sobre o escopo do entendimento humano. É concluído, dessa forma, (...)
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  11. Unsettling complacency.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder (eds.), Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Concepts of God and the Divine in Indian Traditions.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Alan Herbert & Purushottama Bilimoria - 2024 - Sophia 63 (3):379-387.
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    Does AI Think?Ricardo Crespo - 2024 - Scientia et Fides 12 (2):37-47.
    This article raises a very relevant question today: “Does AI think?” To come up with an answer, it explores several conceptions of knowledge, from classical Aristotelian notions to modern philosophers’ takes on it. For Aristotle, knowledge starts with the senses, and, through epagoge and nous, it grows into an understanding of the nature of the thing known, which is something that does not happen with AI. Modern schools of thoughts are either rationalist or empiricist. For rationalists, knowledge is innate, while (...)
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    Between Purity and Hybridity: Technoscientific and Ethnic Myths of Brazil.Ricardo B. Duque & Raoni Rajão - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (6):844-874.
    This article examines the foundation myths of Brazil in the last two centuries, paying particular attention to the relationship between these myths and governmental attitudes toward the hybridity of Northern and Southern ethnic and technoscientific entities. Based upon this examination, the article argues that it is important to consider both the wider temporal frames and the shifts and sedimentations that have formed current foundation myths and shaped their relation to science and technology. Postcolonial science technology studies theories illuminate aspects of (...)
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    O desejo de não ser dominado e a experiência democrática em Maquiavel.Ricardo Polidoro Mendes - 2024 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 43 (1):66-80.
    O conflito entre povo e grandes é central na obra de Maquiavel, pois a dinâmica conflitiva entre o desejo do povo, de não ser dominado, e dos grandes, de dominar, ordena o corpo social pela instituição de leis e ordenações. Nessa desunião, Maquiavel reconhece que o desejo do povo é mais confiável e conforme a liberdade, visto que ele recusa a dominação dos grandes e, portanto, não permite que a liberdade seja usurpada. Entretanto, embora o florentino assinale o vínculo entre (...)
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    Liberales y perfeccionistas.Gonzalo Ricci Cernadas - 2024 - Tópicos 46:e0088.
    En este trabajo realizaremos una comparación entre Rawls y Raz, de forma de echar luz sobre las tensiones que subtenderían a la relación entre liberalismo y perfeccionismo. Para realizar esto, el trabajo procederá en dos movimientos. Primero, buscará especificar la concepción del bien de cada autor para luego, en segundo lugar, elucidar como esta especificidad de la noción del bien informa una propia conceptualización del Estado.
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    A manifest failure of Grassmann's force.Jorge Guala-Valverde & Ricardo Achilles - 2008 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 15 (2):591.
  18. Historia mundial creándose : a modo de introducción.Lothar Knauth & Ricardo Ávila - 2010 - In Lothar Knauth & Ricardo Ávila Palafox (eds.), Historia mundial creándose. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Universidad de Guadalajara.
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    El fin histórico de la ciudad. Acerca del vínculo entre arquitectura y policía.Patricio Landaeta Mardones & Ricardo Espinoza Lolas - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151).
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    El misterio latinoamericano.Ricardo Yocelevzky Retamal & Óscar Cuellar Saavedra - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    América Latina es un concepto, una construcción intelectual que intenta dar cuenta de un grupo de estados nacionales, variable en su composición pero con un núcleo estable, las ex colonias españolas y portuguesas del continente americano. Hoy no hay en América Latina un programa de desarrollo nacional alternativo a la integración al mundo capitalista global. Las experiencias nacionales que la izquierda dirige no constituyen una imagen como la que representó Cuba en los años sesenta, ni desde el punto de vista (...)
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    A Superioridade Racial Em Immanuel Kant: As Justificações da Dominação Europeia e Suas Implicacões Na América Latina.Ricardo Juozepavicius Gonçalves - 2015 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 7 (13):179-195.
    Objetivamos realizar um estudo sobre as ideias de Immanuel Kant acerca do conceito de raça proposto em alguns de seus textos, analisando as afirmações de “inferioridade” dos povos ditos “selvagens”, especialmente quanto aos povos americanos, bem como as motivações do autor para seguir e tentar justificar a linha de raciocínio de uma suposta superioridade europeia ante os outros povos. Esse pensamento pode ter influenciado a forma como o eurocentrismo se propagou pelo mundo, tendo a filosofia de Kant como importante suporte, (...)
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    Marx y Epicuro: dialéctica del átomo y clinamen.Ricardo Alberto Blanco Rodríguez - 2024 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 27 (3):251-259.
    Este trabajo pretende exponer la recepción del atomismo de Epicuro y la reinterpretación dialéctica de la teoría del clinamen en la tesis doctoral de 1841 de Karl Marx, con el propósito de extraer algunas aportaciones para una teoría de la libertad. Para ello se analizan las implicaciones del enfoque dialéctico marxiano aplicado a la declinación epicúrea a la luz de las aportaciones del pensamiento filosófico de Schiller y la fenomenología hermenéutica de Ricoeur. Marx descubre en Epicuro una “ciencia de la (...)
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    Debate Desde a Caverna Sobre o Tri'ngulo: Filosofia, Valesca Popozuda e Presidente da Abf.Ricardo Cortez Lopes & Júlio César Baldasso - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (12):38-57.
    Esse ensaio busca pensar a filosofia e o filósofo para o “senso comum” através da análise do caso em que a cantora Valesca Popozuda foi concebida como uma pensadora por parte do professor de filosofia da rede pública, Antônio Kubitschek. Argumentaremos que as críticas são oriundas de um pensamento moderno específico, o qual a filosofia é estruturada inconscientemente a partir dos conceitos de Sagrado e de Campo. Vamos observar também como alguns filósofos acabam por ressoar as concepções, seja para se (...)
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    Brentano e Nishida: sobre o psicologismo da escola de Kyoto.Ricardo Evandro S. Martins - 2017 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 33 (2).
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    The Latin stranger-science, or l’anthropologie among the Lusitanians.Ricardo Roque - 2022 - History of Science 60 (1):69-95.
    This essay traces the connected histories of Portuguese and French anthropology in the late nineteenth century. By looking at a Portuguese scientific institution, the Carlos Ribeiro Society, it considers how French race science, known as anthropologie, was adopted and adapted across the European Latin world as a type of “stranger-science.” That is: as an authoritative outsider scientific formation, installed into national terrain in accordance with insider strategies for turning foreign elements into native forms of scientific sovereignty and modernity. French anthropology’s (...)
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    Executive Functions Can Be Improved in Preschoolers Through Systematic Playing in Educational Settings: Evidence From a Longitudinal Study.Ricardo Rosas, Victoria Espinoza, Felipe Porflitt & Francisco Ceric - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  27. ᾽Εκπύρωσις and the Goodness of God in Cleanthes.Ricardo Salles - 2005 - Phronesis 50 (1):56 - 78.
    The ἐκπύρωσις, or world's conflagration, followed by the restoration of an identical world seems to go against the rationality of the Stoic god. The aim of this paper is to show that Cleanthes, the second head of the School, can avoid this paradox. According to Cleanthes, the conflagration is an inevitable side-effect of the necessary means used by god to sustain the world. Given that this side-effect is contrary to god's sustaining activity, but unavoidable, god's rationality requires the restoration of (...)
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    Ethos, logos e pathos: percorsi di etica: studi in onore di Paola Ricci Sindoni.Giovanna Costanzo, Maria Teresa Russo & Paola Ricci Sindoni (eds.) - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Tiempos complejos: ¿fin del método científico?Ricardo Gil Otaiza - 2013 - Mérida, Venezuela: Universidad de Los Andes, Vicerrectorado Administrativo.
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  30. Reconstructing subjectivity.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder (eds.), Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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  31. Unsettling complacency.Ricardo Teresa Strong-Wilson, Warren Crichlow L. Castro & Amarou Yoder - 2022 - In Teresa Strong-Wilson, Ricardo L. Castro, Warren Crichlow & Amarou Yoder (eds.), Curricular and architectural encounters with W.G. Sebald: unsettling complacency, reconstructing subjectivity. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Bertrand Russell and the origins of the set-theoretic 'paradoxes'.Garciadiego Dantan & Alejandro Ricardo - 1992 - Boston: Birkhäuser Verlag.
  33. El lugar de la crítica del arte.Ricardo Sánchez Ortiz de Urbina - 1990 - El Basilisco 4:3-11.
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    Being and Contingency: Decrypting Heidegger's Terminology.Ricardo Sanín-Restrepo - 2020 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Using a hypothetical language game as a premise and working through the theory of decryption of power, the book decrypts the pillars of the philosophy of being, mainly Heidegger´s construction of the “ready to hand,” proposing a novel theory of being as difference that is impregnated in politics.
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    Discussion of "learning equivalence classes of acyclic models with latent and selection variables from multiple datasets with overlapping variables".Jiji Zhang & Ricardo Silva - unknown
    Learning equivalence classes of acyclic models with latent and selection variables from multiple datasets with overlapping variables is discussed. The problem of inferring the presence of latent variables, their relation to the observables, and the relation among themselves, is considered. A different approach for identifying causal structures, one that results in much simpler equivalence classes, is provided. It is found that the computational cost is much higher than the procedure implemented, but if datasets are individually of modest dimensionality, it might (...)
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    Scienza e Carnalita.Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 2006 - Chiasmi International 8:43-58.
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    The quality of institutional assessment and self-appraisal: approaches and models.Ricardo Figueroa Toala - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (3):531-549.
    La educación universitaria enfrenta grandes desafíos como el de gestionar el cambio que se ajuste a las demandas de la sociedad contemporánea. Una de las formas para sensibilizar al mundo académico y facilitar la innovación es la evaluación y la autoevaluación. En este trabajo se realizó un análisis tendencial de los diversos enfoques y modelos del proceso de evaluación y autoevaluación institucional; así como de las propensiones actuales del proceso autoevaluativo de las instituciones de la educación superior a través del (...)
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  38. The emergence of symbol-based communication in a complex system of artificial creatures.Angelo Loula, Ricardo Gudwin, Charbel El-Hani & João Queiroz - unknown
    We present here a digital scenario to simulate the emergence of self-organized symbol-based communication among artificial creatures inhabiting a virtual world of predatory events. In order to design the environment and creatures, we seek theoretical and empirical constraints from C.S.Peirce Semiotics and an ethological case study of communication among animals. Our results show that the creatures, assuming the role of sign users and learners, behave collectively as a complex system, where self-organization of communicative interactions plays a major role in the (...)
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    Parodia y desmitificación en la poesía de Luis Hernández.Ricardo Mendoza-Canales - 2009 - Lexis 33 (2):255-286.
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    Bioderechos.Ricardo David Rabinovich-Berkman - 1999 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Dunken.
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  41. Thinking about Physicalism.Restrepo Ricardo - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):84.
    Physicalism, if it is to be a significant thesis, should differentiate itself from key metaphysical contenders which endorse the existence of platonic entities, emergent properties, Cartesian souls, angels, and God. Physicalism can never be true in worlds where things of these kinds exist. David Papineau, David Spurrett, and Barbara Montero have recently developed and defended two influential conceptions of physicalism. One is derived from a conception of the physical as the non-mentally-and-non-biologically identifiable. The other is derived from a conception of (...)
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  42. Two Myths of Psychophysical Reductionism.Restrepo Ricardo - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):75.
    This paper focuses on two prominent arguments claiming that physicalism entails reductionism. One is Kim’s causal exclusion argument (CEA), and the other is Papineau’s causal argument. The paper argues that Kim’s CEA is not logically valid and that it is driven by two implausible justifications. One is “Edward’s dictum”, which is alien to non-reductive physicalism and should be rejected. The other is by endorsement of Papineau’s conception of the physical, immanent in Papineau’s causal argument. This argument only arrives at the (...)
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  43. On the relative character of quantum correlations.Guido Bellomo & Angel Ricardo Plastino - 2017 - In Olimpia Lombardi, Sebastian Fortin, Federico Holik & Cristian López (eds.), What is Quantum Information? New York, NY: CUP.
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    Apuntes para una introducción al logicismo.Ricardo Da Silva - 2019 - Apuntes Filosóficos 28 (55):181-199.
    The following note has on purpose to introduce interested students to logicism. Our objective is not to show any new interpretation or thesis about logicism or its rebirth between the 60s and 80s of the last century. What we will do is systematically show the evolution of logicism from Frege to Russell-Whitehead, with greater emphasis on this latest development, and approach some problems that arise within that movement, for example: The logical paradoxes and the principle of intuitive comprehension, the impredicative (...)
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  45. Uma análise da sanção de suspensão dos direitos políticos Por improbidade administrativa a partir Das decisões do stf acerca da internalização do pacto de são José da Costa rica.Ricardo Duarte Jr - 2016 - Revista Fides 7 (2).
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    La tradición de jardinería del siglo XVIII y la posibilidad de emitir juicios estéticos puros de objetos artísticos.Ricardo Rojas - 2017 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 15:70-91.
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    Physics Teaching: Mathematics as an Epistemological Tool.Ricardo Karam - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (5-6):645-660.
    We study the interconnection between Physics and Mathematics in concrete instances, departing from the usual expression for the Coulomb electric field, produced by a point-like charge. It is scrutinized by means of six epistemology-intensive questions and radical answers are proposed, intended to widen one’s understanding of the subject. Our interventions act along two complementary directions. One of them regards ontology, since questions induce one to look closely at the electric charge, from different perspectives, promoting reflections about its nature and reinforcing (...)
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    Sobre a concepção totalitária da vida.Silvio Ricardo Gomes Carneiro - 2011 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 18:179-196.
    Following a Weltanschaaung that involves a concept of life, Hitler has organized one of central chapiters of his autobiography My Struggle, named “Nation and Race”. Three human groups – to know, the founders of culture, the bearers of culture, the destroyers of culture – would be organized as forms of life. These three groups cohabit in competition for the territory of living space. With Hitler´s interpretations, come up then a living economic, that justifies the Total State or the Total War. (...)
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  49. Una teoría Del estado en la obra de René Descartes - algUnas reflexiones desde la perspectiva de Tomás de aquino.José Ricardo Pierpauli - 2017 - Synesis 9 (1):112-124.
    Objeto del presente estudio es poner en evidencia que a partir de la obra de Descartes, en particular, de su doctrina del ego cogito, es posible articular los moldes de la moderna Teoría del Estado. Lo característico de esa Teoría del Estado es que la misma se torna deudora de las premisas gnoseológicas establecidas por Descartes. En efecto, la Teoría del Estado no formulada explícitamente por Descartes, ni por Kant, fue desarrollada recién por los neo-kantianos de Marburgo en el siglo (...)
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    Race and the Mobility of Humans as Things.Ricardo Roque - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (4):607-617.
    This article reflects on a significant dimension of the modern history of race in Europe and the world: the processes of mobility of humans as things that accompanied the scientific pursuit of the immutable racial condition of humans. It asks what it might mean to approach racial conceptions as historically embedded in, and shaped by, racial regimes of mobility, that is, the regimes encompassing the practices and apparatuses for the displacement of human bodies as “scientific things” of racial significance for (...)
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